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2myPlace and the Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking
sponsor panel discussion

Rotary Convention Highlights

Cindee Sapoznik, founder and CEO of 2myPlace, chaperoned five young women from the Innovation Academy High School’s Interact club at the 2022 Rotary International Convention in Houston, TX. She used this time to coach and teach life, social and business skills they can use throughout their lives. Cindee also worked with the girls on self-awareness and how to present oneself at the event they were attending. 

She also introduced the girls with no affiliation with the Rotary and addressed the issue of Human Trafficking worldwide. With the help of Cindee and Annette Mansfield from 2myPlace, the Interact Club created interactive games to teach teenagers how to avoid grooming, luring, education, prevention and awareness of trafficking. 

“I would like to thank all our amazing supporters for helping us gauge the first steps to making a huge difference in our world. We have learned so much from this convention, much of which we strive to apply to our everyday lives. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for having the opportunity to meet such special, helpful, and inspirational people.”

Sree Hariharan

President of the Interact Club of Innovation Academy (District 6900)

fulton county chamber of commerce

Forty sophomores, juniors and seniors from Fulton County, GA, were eager to learn “how to” create their resumes and profiles based on their strengths and skill sets. Al Smith with 2myPlace showed resume examples to entice the students and help them develop their resumes. As with anything, we do not want to “give them the fish,” but rather, teach them how to fish! Al’s specialty is creating resumes and LI profiles that help candidates get through companies’ scanning software. As lagniappe (a little something extra), he shared some anti-youth biases and strategies to overcome them in interviews.

Pope High School

What a wonderful turnout and Pope High School had on April 11th on its presentation, “Not in my neighborhood, yes it yes, Human Trafficking.” Over 225 students, parents, staff and community members came to Pope High School to listen to the difficult but important topic.

To see the video, visit

Georgia PTA District 9 Spring Conference attended the Georgia PTA District 9 Spring Conference on April 20th. It was a great success to meet the members of the PTA as well as other vendors looking to make a difference in the community. 

Lunch and Learn at Pope High School

Cindee and Al spent four hours at Pope High School presenting resume and interviewing skills for summer jobs and college admissions to juniors an seniors. Not only were students happy, they left saying, “that was fricking awesome!”

Ask the Experts

Do you need more confidence, focus, and preparation for your job search but can’t get answers to your questions? Ask the Experts is an interactive job search panel discussion. Cindee Sapoznik, “The Confidence Coach, Al Smith, “The Hired Guy”, Anne Riggsby, Executive Career Counselor & Coach, and Richard Morgan, The Branding Expert, have the answers you’re looking for. Simply write down what questions you have and give them to the panel. Ask the Experts is comprised of outstanding workshop leaders and experts in the job search field in today’s world. Bring your friends who might be looking for another opportunity / career. You’ll be glad you attended!  Fellowship Hall.

Meet our panel of experts!

Remembering Jessica Hamlet

In March 2016 a memorial was held in loving memory of Jessica Hamlet for her passion for the education and prevention of exploitating children and young adults. Please go to for more information.

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